As if by magic, Bonfire Night has come around quicker than ever. Halloween has come and gone for another year and the leaves are really beginning to bronze and fall (and wrap around our feet/become a slip hazard on our stroll to work).
As it is past the 31st October it therefore means we have drawn our winner, and the lucky human is Holly Charnock. Thank you to everyone who took part, we love doing competitions as much as you love entering them. Watch this space for any in the future… it definitely won’t be our last one, we promise!

Looking back on this last week, there have been a variety of “days of the year” of importance. Our office favourites were Cat Day (obviously) and World Vegan Day.

Little Miss Winter
Cat Day (not to be confused with International Cat Day) was on the 29th October. This was founded by a lady called Colleen Paige and was created to recognise the household pet in all its glory. Through their website and social media, they have cat photo competitions, they provide cat safety tips as well as having their own merchandise. Their main aim on this day of the year is to create a friendly platform where your love of cats can be expressed, and therefore celebrated with your purring buddy. We at VN Recruitment LOVE cats, so any way of celebrating cats is always embraced! Our little buddies Basti & Winter received ALL of the cuddles (as per usual).
World Vegan Day (1st November) is also significant to us in the office. Veganism is important for a variety of reasons, including for the safety of animals, our own health and the environment. You do not have to live a completely Vegan lifestyle to make a large beneficial effect to the reasons stated above – even one to two evening meals a week can make a massive difference to things such as your carbon footprint. World Vegan Day is a chance to enjoy all things Vegan; have a dinner party, share Vegan recipes with friends or even swap out your normal choices to a few Vegan alternatives for a period of time (e.g. plant-based milk). Who knows, you may even prefer it! This may have been last week, but if you’re sad that you’ve missed it, you can always have a Vegan dinner party this week and celebrate. Challenge yourself to create the tastiest meal imaginable – just without animal products. It really doesn’t have to be fancy or anything out of the ordinary… mac & cheese, anyone?

On to this week, and today especially… happy Bonfire Night! This is a night to historically be enjoyed, but there are a few things to bear in mind. It’s not just the fireworks that can cause issues for animals, but bonfires themselves also cause problems. Unfortunately, a lot of wildlife such as hedgehogs and mice see your unlit bonfire as a hotel – a comfy bed for a lovely little snooze. There are a few ways to avoid this being a trap for these animals:
- You can build a separate smaller cosier pit for the animals to escape to (try using leaves etc too, they work almost like blankets).
- Build the bonfire as late as possible, don’t leave it sat there all day if you can avoid it. This gives the wildlife less chance to crawl into it.
- Check, check, check, check and check again. Don’t leave it to chance!
- Make sure the bonfire is out when you’re finished. Wildlife are attracted to warmth, and we don’t want them getting too snug.
Have fun, be safe and wrap up nice and cosy and warm!
Over the next week, keep an eye on our social media as we have an exciting announcement coming up… who needs bonfires and fireworks when you follow us, right?!
Have a GREAT week!