Another important question for our candidates to ask as well as why VN Recruitment is how. How do we work? How is our process different?
When choosing an agency, it is important to understand their individual processes, and how they can work alongside you to provide the best outcome. Our process is friendly, easy, exciting and transparent. We work with you and we make sure you are a part of the whole process. We are a free service to you as the candidate, and act as an introductory service for our candidates to our clients.
- Let’s Work Together
There are various ways people find out about us and contact us. For example, you could have met us at a congress, found us online or been referred to us by one of your veterinary friends (there is a reward scheme for this). The next step is to contact us, you can call us (01904 471 400), message us on our social media or email one of us. We will then arrange a phone call, at a time suitable for you to run through your situation.
2. The First Chat
We like to talk over the phone at first to really get to know you and your situation. We love a chat! We need to find out about your current situation and what your career goals are for the future. We do have some questions that need answering during the conversation (for example, how far you are willing to travel to work), but the most important thing for us is getting to know you and what you really want long-term. We will ask you to send us your CV and a completed skills matrix (which we will send to you to fill in).
3. Behind the Scenes
This is then when we really come in handy. We then go and do our research for you and try to find you the perfect job. We consider everything you have told us about your job requirements, and we do the hard work for you.
4. Updates
When we have found some options for you, we will get back in touch to chat them through. We will not send your CV anywhere without your permission, as that is your personal information. We like to check that it is a good option for you before going forward in the process.
5. Moving Forward
If you like the sound of one of the jobs we have found, we will send your CV and application off to the practice. We can discuss salary with them and liaise with them for you about things such as interview times. We represent you, and we are here to answer any questions you have anytime.
6. Interview O’Clock
We really want your interview to go as smoothly as possible, so we will always offer interview preparation help. We do this via phone call for you to ask us any questions, as well as run through the job role and technicalities of the day if you feel unsure. We want you to go in as prepared, confident and happy as possible!
7. Mission Completed
When the interview goes well and you get the job, we will still always be on the end of the phone if you need us. Whether it is a permanent or locum role, we will always be here to help whether you are one day or one year down the line. Obviously, as a locum, we will probably repeat the job searching process time and time again with you, but if you’re a permanent RVN or Veterinary Surgeon we hope to find you your dream job straight away. However, if you ever fancy a change, we are always here to start the searching process again.
If it does not work out the first-time round, we are more than happy to keep searching until we find you the perfect match.
We are always here to chat at anytime through the process. We love talking to our candidates, and we’re always happy to hear how you’re getting on in the next step in your career.