We’ve said it many times before and we’ll probably say it many more times – how is it Autumn? HOW IS IT SEPTEMBER?! Summer has flown by and before you know it the schools are back and everything returns to ‘normal’. That means we’re due the heatwave that normally occurs at the beginning of the school year, just to add to those post summer blues.
However, Autumn brings an air of excitement to our office. It was Helen’s birthday last week (she spent the week enjoying herself, relaxing & celebrating) as well as it being her wedding anniversary, so she has had a lovely week off to rest & rejuvenate.
Meanwhile, in the office, we are all things BVNA! The goodie bags are being packed (and sweeties taste tested) as we speak. Don’t worry – the brownies will be coming too. As well as our smiling faces! We are so looking forward to chatting to you all after nearly two years without face to face contact. It will be Anna’s first proper BVNA (it’s her 2-year VNR anniversary that weekend) and she only came for a day in 2019 as it was her first week working with the team. It is finally time for her to meet some of you lovely lot! Unfortunately, Archie will not be attending with us, but Laura assures us he is going to have a fab break with family.
With all this in mind… we better get back to filling these bags for you all! We have a variety of goodies as ever and WE CAN’T WAIT!
All our love,
The VNR Girls xxx