How is it already nearly the end of the spookiest month of them all?
Black Cat Awareness Month
Not only does this mean that Halloween is fast approaching, it also means that we are nearing the end of Black Cat Awareness Month. Black cats are often seen to be the stereotypical animal of this holiday because of their superstitious, spooky aura. However, this can lead to issues for these felines, as they are too often adopted in this season and then retrospectively sent back to shelters. This makes us as a team particularly sad, as Manda has her beautiful black cat Basti – and he is certainly loved all year round!
Halloween Competition
As well as black cats, there is another reason why we as a team LOVE Halloween… SWEETS AND CHOCOLATE! With this in mind, we’ve decided to do another Halloween competition this year for our followers to win a delicious variety of Halloween based chocolate. If you go to our Facebook page, like the pinned post about the competition, like the page itself and tag a veterinary friend/colleague in the comments of the post… you’re entered! Yup, it really is that easy.
We will be drawing the winner and posting the prizes to them on the 30th October, so they will hopefully be with that lucky person just in time for a ghostly evening before November hits.
Bonfire/Firework Night
Speaking of November, this means that Guy Fawkes Night is just around the corner. Last year we wrote a blog post about how to keep your animals as comfortable as possible during the firework and bonfire season. This is still incredibly relevant, as it may be fun for most people, but a lot of animals do not understand the noises and lights, and therefore need extra love, comfort and support during these scary times. With a large company such as Sainsbury’s refusing to sell fireworks because of the upset they can cause, it is important that we all take steps to keep our fur babies happy and healthy. We want them to enjoy the spooky season, not be spooked!
Fun fact: Guy Fawkes was actually born in York and went to the same school as Laura (not at the same time though!)